Java KnightsQuest 0.1

One week ago i start working on the game i want to create already for the last six years. Two attempts failed due to less time. I will try again now using JavaFx. So the game will support multiple Operating Systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc..) out of the box. This is the first beta (not a full feature) release. Check it out. Comments are welcome!

12-11-2016 Version 0.1
– Added basic game engine (only bot mode for now)
– Added six maps
– Added intro background music.
– Added new version detection,.
– Added help, credits, release notes and donate page.
– Added two intro pages with basic animation.

Click here to download the latest version.

Java RedSquare 0.1

This afternoon i have ported the Wii RedSquare game to Java. So please try out this beta release. It’s not a full feature release yet, just a proof of concept. Comments are welcome!

30-10-2016 Version 0.1
– Added basic sound effects.
– Added nice background music.
– Added webservice to store local and global highscore.
– Added new version check thread to home page.
– Added page navigator so pages are loaded just in time.
– Added game page with special effects
– Added two intro pages with basic animation.
– Added help, credits, release notes and donate page.

Click here to download the latest version.

PlaatSign 0.1

The first release of PlaatSing contain the following features:

  • Added basic content page with CRUD actions
  • Added role base access
  • Added basic settings page
  • Added basic login/logout functionality
  • Added basic user setting page with CRUD actions
  • Added basic help page
  • Added basic release notes page
  • Added basic credits page
  • Added basic donate page
  • Added basic about page
  • Added basic unix photo slide script for Raspberry Pi

Click here to download the latest version.

PlaatProtect 0.1

This is the first release of PlaatProtect. The release contain the following features:

  • General: Added notification page.
  • General: Added logging page.
  • General: Added movement chart page.
  • General: Added Z-Wave vibration alarm detection.
  • General: Added Z-Wave node status on home page.
  • General: Added Notify My Android (NMA) webservice integration for push messages to andriod phone.
  • General: Added basic support for two webcams.
  • General: Added option to make picture from webcam view.
  • General: Added motion detection with automatic recording to webcam sensor script.
  • General: Added option to navigate through webcam recordings.
  • General: Added basic support for Philips HUE lighting system.

Click here to download the latest version.

PlaatScrum 0.1

The afternoom i release a very early beta release of my scrumboard software tool. This tool is based on PHP en MySQL technology. If you are interresed in this new project of my please drop a comment!

13-04-2012 PlaatScrum 0.1
– Added session manager.
– Encrypt hyperlinks.
– Added basic stories page.
– Added basic scrumboard view.
– Added setting -> users page.
– Added setting -> projects page.
– Added css file.
– Added multi language support.
– Added login page.
– Setup development framework.

Check out the demo here

WarQuest Android App 0.1

This evening I started with the development of a native Android WarQuest client. After downloading eclipse and the eclipse ADT plugin the android development environment was up and running within 45 minutes. Great!

26-09-2011 Version 0.1
After a few hours of working I had created an app with the following features:
– Native running android app;
– site is automatic loaded;
– Website width is dynamic adapted to device screen size;
– Full control of game possible.

– Created an information page on about this new product.

If the app is stable I will release it on the android marketplace. I hope a lot of new players will then find there way to this great game. I keep you posted!

WarQuest 0.1

Today I started with the development of a new game “WarQuest”. This Realtime Multi Player Game (RMPG) takes you to the year 2020. The world is at war. The goal of the game is to defend your country and conquer others. Buy weapon and production units, play missions, fight, make allies and become the best player of your country. Register to join this great virtual battle zone!

08-02-2011 Version 0.10
Game Website
– Started programming.
– Added basic login, registration and logout page.
– Added css sheet.
– Added unit and building page.
– Added player pages.
– Added battle page.
– Added mission page
– Added bank page
– Added some unit and building images.
– Added javascript timers.
– Added battle log.

Windows RedSquare 0.1

I have ported the Wii RedSquare game to Windows. I have used Qt 4.7.0 as base. I have re-use about 50% of the existing functionality for this example. You can download a version by clicking the below link.

Release Notes

17-09-2010 Version 0.1
– Start building
– Created basic game board with border, etc..
– Added moving blue squares.
– Use QT library 4.7.0 as Windows Interface.
– Added Windows setup file.
– Added source code to Google Code repository.
– RedSquare is build with QtCreator v2.0.0


Windows RedSquare is open source and may be copied, distributed or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2, but you are encouraged to send a PayPal donation if you enjoy it! If we get enough, it might even motivate us to make more fun games! (5.9 MiB, 5,323 hits)

Windows PlaatScore 0.1

This evening PlaatSoft has released PlaatScore v0.20. PlaatScore collects from a webservices xml formatted highscore data. This information is displayed in a nice form. User can update this data if the webservices support this feature.

24-03-2010 Version 0.10
– Start building.
– Created GUI.
– Added basic menu.
– Added basic about box.
– Load / Save window position on start / exit.
– Added application icon.
– Build with QtCreator v1.3.1


Click here for more information and the download link.

Wii KnightsQuest 0.1

Hello everybody,

Because TowerDefense is almost finished i have started a new project. This week I have decided to create KnightsQuest. KnightsQuest is a strategic game. The goal is to build up an empire and destroy all other kingdoms. If you have conquered the hole world you have won. The graphics engine will be based on the GRRLIB library. I hope that round the summer holidays the first beta release will be available.

04-02-2010 Version 0.1

  • GUI:
    • General GUI basis.
  • Core:
    • Use GRRLIB 4.2.1 (beta) as graphical render engine.
    • Use libfat v1.0.6 as disk access engine
    • Use libmxml v2.6 library as xml engine
    • Use libogc v1.8.0 library as Wii interface engine
  • General:
    • Started programming in C++.
    • Setup basic directory structure for new project.
    • Store source code in Google code SVN repository.
    • Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.


    Click here for more information and the download link.

Wii TowerDefence 0.10

Hello everybody,

It took a long time (more then a half year) but now again i am working on this game. This week I investigated more then 20 hours to setup a new basis line. I have found great free graphics on internet which I will use. Previous development graphics were poor quality. The graphics engine will be based on the GRRLIB 4.1.1 library. I hope that round Christmas time I can release the first beta.

21/11/2009 Version 0.10
– Started programming in C++.
– Finding free graphics for game.
– Setup basic directory structure for new project.
– Store source code in Google code SVN repository.

Please checkout my website regular for more news about this game. Comments are welcome!

Wii SpaceBubble 0.1

Today i started building a new Wii game. The new game will be based on the classic bubble breaker, but with must more advance features. Expected release date will be at the end of this month. So please visit my website or check the rss feed around this date to download a fresh copy.

19/01/2009 Version 0.1
– Started programming.
– Created raw gameboard layout
– Created intro screens.
– Basic game engine ready.
– Build game with libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler.

Note: The game is not yet released!

Wii RedSquare 0.10

A new version of RedSquare for Nintendo Wii is released with the following changes:

29/11/2008 Version 0.10
– First release for Wii homebrew scene.
– Started programming.
– Gameboard design.
– Added WiiRemote IR control.
– Added three intro screens.
– Basic game engine ready.
– Build game with libogc 1.6.0 and devkitPPC r15 compiler.

The software is not released yet!