Hello everybody,
Can someone tell me why http://wiibrew.org and http://codemii.com are all ready down for more the 24 hours? Any news about this topic is welcome!
Note: I check these websites on daily bases. I personally think these are the best Wii Homebrew sites on the internet. Miss now all the action what is going on in the scene. 🙁
Update http://wiibrew.org is up again! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
No it isn’t.
Yes they are deifiiatly doth down i cant accses codemii or wiibrew.org and cant use the homebrew browser at the moment as the hombrew browser uses codemii to retrive info.
dEFINITELY DOWN – was trying to use homebrew browser but got “read error -116” must be the site is down.
http://www.codemii.com is update again! 😀 😀 😀 😀