Java RedSquare 0.2

The second release of RedSquare for Java is released. This is the full feature release

03-11-2016 Version 0.2
– Added setting page to control nickname.
– Protect blue squares against size hacking.
– Protect red square against size hacking.
– Added scrollbar to release notes page.
– Added CGI master hackers to credits page.
– Improve webservice calls.
– Check java version. If version is outdated, warn user
– Show warning when internet connection is down.

Click here to download the latest version.

Java RedSquare 0.1

This afternoon i have ported the Wii RedSquare game to Java. So please try out this beta release. It’s not a full feature release yet, just a proof of concept. Comments are welcome!

30-10-2016 Version 0.1
– Added basic sound effects.
– Added nice background music.
– Added webservice to store local and global highscore.
– Added new version check thread to home page.
– Added page navigator so pages are loaded just in time.
– Added game page with special effects
– Added two intro pages with basic animation.
– Added help, credits, release notes and donate page.

Click here to download the latest version.

Linux RedSquare 1.0

This evening i have ported the Windows RedSquare game to Linux. So please try it out. Comments are welcome!

10-07-2012 Version 1.0
– First release of RedSquare for Linux
– Game is equal to Windows version only without sound effects.
– Added new app icons.
– Added debian package for easy install on ubuntu, debian, etc..
– App used Qt libraries 4.7.x or higher
– App is build with QtCreator v2.4.1


Click here for detail information and download link.

Windows RedSquare 1.0

PlaatSoft has released RedSquare 1.0 for Windows (95, 98, 2000/XP, Vista and 7). The following changes were made:

11-10-2011 Version 1.0
– Maintenance releases.
– Added QT Libraries 4.7.4
– RedSquare was build with QtCreator v2.3.0
– Released app on


Click here for detail RedSquare information and download links.

RedSquare Android App 0.1

Because the WarQuest project is almost feature full I have started today a new project. In the coming weeks (months) I will try to port the RedSqaure game to the Android platform. I will keep you posted about the development.

01-10-2011 Version 0.1
– Basic about screen ready.
– Basic setting screen ready.
– App icon ready.

– Basic ideas are ready
– Human control of Red Square will be based on gyroscope movements.
– Start new project in Eclipse.
– Created an information page on about this new product.

RedSquare 35.000 downloads

Since the launch of RedSquare it is downloaded over 35.000 times. Thanks to all the players around the World.

Official Count

Homebrew Browser (Wii version) 28.944 times
My website (Wii Version) 3.703 times
Google Code website (Wii Version) 1.156 times
My website (Windows Version) 2.292 times
Google Code website (Windows Version) 545 times
Total 36.640 times

To increase the RedSquare download statistics I have decided to port the game to the Android platform. To follow the development of this project, please visit my website regular!

Windows RedSquare 0.8

PlaatSoft has released RedSquare 0.80 for Windows (95, 98, 2000/XP, Vista and 7). The following changes were made:

20-03-2011 Version 0.80
– Added third intro screen with info about WarQuest.
– Added QT Libraries 4.7.2
– Bugfix: Highscores above 100 are not showed anymore.
– RedSquare is build with QtCreator v2.0.1
– Released app on

If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment

Windows RedSquare 0.7

PlaatSoft has released RedSquare 0.70 for Windows (95, 98, 2000/XP, Vista and 7). The following changes were made:

02-10-2010 Version 0.70
– Improve mouse red square navigation.
– Improve release notes screen.
– Refactor some C++ classes.
– Maintenance release.
– RedSquare is build with QtCreator v2.0.0
– Released app on

If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment

Windows RedSquare 0.6

PlaatSoft has released RedSquare 0.60 for Windows (95, 98, 2000/XP, Vista and 7). The following changes were made:

26-09-2010 Version 0.61 HOT FIX
– Change logo image format from jpg to png.
– Now intro windows are working fine without QT installed.
– Released app on

26-09-2010 Version 0.60
– Improve overal GUI layout.
– Release notes are loaded from internet
– Added second intro and release notes window.
– Added new version check.
– RedSquare is build with QtCreator v2.0.0
– Released app on

If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment

Windows RedSquare 0.5

PlaatSoft has released RedSquare 0.50 for Windows (95, 98, 2000/XP, Vista and 7). The following changes were made:

25-09-2010 Version 0.50
– Added high score window.
– High score is stored in xml file.
– Added game icon.
– RedSquare is build with QtCreator v2.0.0
– Released app on

If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment

Windows RedSquare 0.4

PlaatSoft has released RedSquare 0.40 for Windows (95, 98, 2000/XP, Vista and 7). The following changes were made:

23-09-2010 Version 0.4
– Added Main Menu window with animation blue squares.
– Added credits, donate, help window.
– Store window position on exit.
– Second official release.
– RedSquare is build with QtCreator v2.0.0
– Released app on

If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment

Windows RedSquare 0.2

PlaatSoft has released RedSquare 0.20 for Windows (95, 98, 2000/XP, Vista and 7). The following changes were made:

18-09-2010 Version 0.2
– Added square collision detection
– Improve GUI layout.
– Added game over screen
– Added mouse click detection.
– First official release.
– RedSquare is build with QtCreator v2.0.1
– Released app on

If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment

Windows RedSquare 0.1

I have ported the Wii RedSquare game to Windows. I have used Qt 4.7.0 as base. I have re-use about 50% of the existing functionality for this example. You can download a version by clicking the below link.

Release Notes

17-09-2010 Version 0.1
– Start building
– Created basic game board with border, etc..
– Added moving blue squares.
– Use QT library 4.7.0 as Windows Interface.
– Added Windows setup file.
– Added source code to Google Code repository.
– RedSquare is build with QtCreator v2.0.0


Windows RedSquare is open source and may be copied, distributed or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2, but you are encouraged to send a PayPal donation if you enjoy it! If we get enough, it might even motivate us to make more fun games! (5.9 MiB, 5,323 hits)

Wii RedSquare 0.98

PlaatSoft has released RedSquare v0.98 for Nintendo Wii. The following changes were made:

11-09-2010 Version 0.98
– Update menu screen information.
– Overall FPS has improved 50 percent. Thanks Crayon
– Use GRRLIB 4.3.0 as graphical engine.
– libpng was updated to version 1.4.2
– libjpeg was updated to version 8b
– zlib was updated to version 1.2.5
– FreeType was updated to 2.3.12
– Maintenance release.
– Build game with devkitPPC r21 compiler.

If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment

Wii RedSquare 0.97

This evening RedSquare 0.97 for Nintendo Wii is released by PlaatSoft. The following changes were made:

31-03-2009 Version 0.97
– Show played game level on high score screens.
– Update menu screen information.
– Improve stability.
– WiiMote timeout increase from 60 to 300 seconds.
– Use libfat 1.0.7 as disk access engine.
– Use libogc 1.8.3 as Wii interface engine
– Make source code compliant with r21 compiler.
– Build game with devkitPPC r21 compiler.

If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment

Wii RedSquare 0.96

This evening RedSquare 0.96 for Nitendo Wii is released by PlaatSoft. The following changes were made:

02-03-2009 Version 0.96
– Improve local high score screen. Add score stars.
– Improve game over screen. Add score stars.
– Added three extra game settings buttons.
– Improve square images.
– Update menu screen information.
– Disable Wii DVD light thread. Not stable.
– Added support for maximum four concurrent players.
– Added game level: Easy, Medium and Hard.
– Gameboard border size is now related to selected game level.
– Amount of blue squares is now related to selected game level.
– Start position of blue squares can now be randomized.
– Enable A and B button to select red square during game.
– Press Home button to go back to the main menu.
– Added screenshots to source code documentation.
– Improve debug trace information.
– Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.

Wii RedSquare 0.95

This evening RedSquare 0.95 for Nintendo Wii is released by PlaatSoft. The following changes were made:

11-02-2010 Version 0.95
– Added Wii DVD light effects to game.
– Improve game settings screen.
– Added donate screen.
– Added scrollbar to highscore and release notes screens.
– The 100ste highest local scores are showed.
– The 40ste highest today and global high scores are showed.
– Added to most screens network status information.
– Extend user name from 3 to 6 characters.
– Default user name is based on Wii nickname.
– Increase http buffer size from 8kb to 10kb.
– Bug fix: Http thread memory cleanup was not correctly executed.
– Added source code to Google Code repository.
– Added source code documentation (Javadoc style).
– With the doxygen tool the documentation can be generated.
– Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.

If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment