Windows KnightsQuest 0.1

This week I have started with building KnightsQuest on the Windows platform. If the game core is ready I will switch over to the Nintendo Wii platform again add try to finish the game as soon as possible.

I am searching for someone you can help me with the game graphics. Please drop an email or comment if you are interresed.

28-09-2010 Version 0.1
– Start building
– Created basic game board.
– Added mouse events.
– Added sound effects functionality.
– Use QT library 4.7.0 as Windows Interface.
– Added Windows setup file.
– Added source code to Google Code repository.
– KnightsQuest is build with QtCreator v2.0.0


Click here for more information and the download link.

Windows RedSquare 0.6

PlaatSoft has released RedSquare 0.60 for Windows (95, 98, 2000/XP, Vista and 7). The following changes were made:

26-09-2010 Version 0.61 HOT FIX
– Change logo image format from jpg to png.
– Now intro windows are working fine without QT installed.
– Released app on

26-09-2010 Version 0.60
– Improve overal GUI layout.
– Release notes are loaded from internet
– Added second intro and release notes window.
– Added new version check.
– RedSquare is build with QtCreator v2.0.0
– Released app on

If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment

Windows RedSquare 0.5

PlaatSoft has released RedSquare 0.50 for Windows (95, 98, 2000/XP, Vista and 7). The following changes were made:

25-09-2010 Version 0.50
– Added high score window.
– High score is stored in xml file.
– Added game icon.
– RedSquare is build with QtCreator v2.0.0
– Released app on

If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment

Windows RedSquare 0.4

PlaatSoft has released RedSquare 0.40 for Windows (95, 98, 2000/XP, Vista and 7). The following changes were made:

23-09-2010 Version 0.4
– Added Main Menu window with animation blue squares.
– Added credits, donate, help window.
– Store window position on exit.
– Second official release.
– RedSquare is build with QtCreator v2.0.0
– Released app on

If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment

Windows RedSquare 0.2

PlaatSoft has released RedSquare 0.20 for Windows (95, 98, 2000/XP, Vista and 7). The following changes were made:

18-09-2010 Version 0.2
– Added square collision detection
– Improve GUI layout.
– Added game over screen
– Added mouse click detection.
– First official release.
– RedSquare is build with QtCreator v2.0.1
– Released app on

If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment

Windows RedSquare 0.1

I have ported the Wii RedSquare game to Windows. I have used Qt 4.7.0 as base. I have re-use about 50% of the existing functionality for this example. You can download a version by clicking the below link.

Release Notes

17-09-2010 Version 0.1
– Start building
– Created basic game board with border, etc..
– Added moving blue squares.
– Use QT library 4.7.0 as Windows Interface.
– Added Windows setup file.
– Added source code to Google Code repository.
– RedSquare is build with QtCreator v2.0.0


Windows RedSquare is open source and may be copied, distributed or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2, but you are encouraged to send a PayPal donation if you enjoy it! If we get enough, it might even motivate us to make more fun games! (5.9 MiB, 5,323 hits)

Wii TowerDefense 0.97

PlaatSoft has released TowerDefense v0.97 for Nintendo Wii. The following changes were made:

13-09-2010 Version 0.97
– Update menu screen information.
– Improve wave release time calculation.
– Solve random freeze problem during startup of game.
– Build game with devkitPPC r21 compiler.


Click here for more information and the download link.

Wii RedSquare 0.98

PlaatSoft has released RedSquare v0.98 for Nintendo Wii. The following changes were made:

11-09-2010 Version 0.98
– Update menu screen information.
– Overall FPS has improved 50 percent. Thanks Crayon
– Use GRRLIB 4.3.0 as graphical engine.
– libpng was updated to version 1.4.2
– libjpeg was updated to version 8b
– zlib was updated to version 1.2.5
– FreeType was updated to 2.3.12
– Maintenance release.
– Build game with devkitPPC r21 compiler.

If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment

SpaceBubble 0.96

PlaatSoft has released SpaceBubble v0.96. The following changes were made:

11-09-2010 Version 0.96
– Update menu screen information.
– Overall FPS has improved 50 percent. Thanks Crayon
– Use GRRLIB 4.3.0 as graphical engine.
– libpng was updated to version 1.4.2
– libjpeg was updated to version 8b
– zlib was updated to version 1.2.5
– FreeType was updated to 2.3.12
– Maintenance release.
– Build game with devkitPPC r21 compiler.


Click here for more information and the download link.

Wii TowerDefense 0.96

PlaatSoft has released TowerDefense v0.96. The following changes were made:

11-09-2010 Version 0.96
– Update menu screen information.
– Use GRRLIB 4.3.0 as graphical engine.
– libpng was updated to version 1.4.2
– libjpeg was updated to version 8b
– zlib was updated to version 1.2.5
– FreeType was updated to 2.3.12
– Maintenance release.
– Build game with devkitPPC r21 compiler.


Click here for more information and the download link.

GRRLIB 4.3.0 slow with FreeType

On this moment GRRLIB 4.3.0 is working slow in combination with FreeType font access. Check out below mail content. The good news is that “Crayon” is working on a solution. I will keep you informed!

Hi Crayon, Today i have upgrade the GRRLIB from 4.2.1 to 4.3.0 in TowerDefense. The upgrade went good but the result was not really good. For some reason the freetype library is very slow. Resulting in poor (Frame-Per-Seconds) during the game play. Early this year you have tuned this library in the GRRlib 4.2.1 build and it was lighting fast. Why is it now so slow again. Do you have a idea? Looking forward to your response. wplaat

Hi wplaat, the code in GRRLIB has not changed that much, maybe the problem could be related to FreeType. If you have time, could you try to test older version of FreeType. Try different combination FreeType / GRRLIB. Let me know if you find something, I’ll try to test stuff on my side. Thanks for the feed back, Crayon

Hi crayon, Good news. I found the performance problem. I was testing wrong. I did not known, that when I compiled the new GRRLIB 4.3.0 library the *.a and *.h files were copied to the devkitpro directory. Therefor I was using everytime with the same “new” libraries. If I now replace the new freetype library of GRRLIB 4.3.0 build with my own old Freetype library (Downloaded from the site). Everything is working lighting fast again. So the problem is related to the new freetype library. Can the performance issue be related to some wrong build flags in the freetype makefile? wplaat

hi wplaat, Good news, I was actually looking at your code 🙂 I’m going to test different way of building FreeType. It might be related to TrueType hinting, a new feature in FreeType 2.4.0. I’m going to try to build Freetype without this feature, normally TrueType hinting is suppose to make your text look better, but it might be slower too. I’ll keep you inform if I find something. Crayon