The following Wii network library was developed by dhewg, and adapted by me. This library also contain functionality to log the start of an application. This event with optional user data (for example highscore information) is send to Google analytics.
Short API description
# Start http / tcp thread extern int tcp_start_thread(char *name, char *version, char *id1, char *url1, char*id2, char *url2, char *id3, char *url3, char *token, char *userData2, char *userData3); # Stop network thread extern int tcp_stop_thread(void); # Get current state of network statemachine as digit extern int tcp_get_state_nr(void); # Get current state of network statemachine as text label extern char *tcp_get_state(void); # Set new state int tcp_set_state(int state, char *userData3); # Get newest application version from a webpage. extern char *tcp_get_version(void); # Get release notes information from a webpage. extern char *tcp_get_releasenote(void); # Get highscore xml information from a webservice. extern char *tcp_get_highscore(void);
You can download this library be click to below link.
See for a working example the Pong2, BibleQuiz, RedSquare or SpaceBubble source code.