PlaatSoft has released TowerDefense v0.98 for Nintendo Wii. The following changes were made:
24-03-2011 Version 0.98
– Update menu screen information.
– Improve deployment Wiimote cursor position.
– Added WarQuest intro screen.
– Some performance tuning.
– Correct include files.
– Build game with devkitPPC r21 compiler.
Click here for more information and the download link.
Ohh, nice, new update …
(and, a new used wii with bootmii/boot2 🙂
… and position #24 on the global high score.
How in the heck do people get those really high high scores?
Yea, “harder” does not give you a higher score, so map #3 really looks like the best — most spaces to put guns.
Oh — still getting the occasional hang/freeze before game start.
I think there should be a second in command function for the wii tower defense, i cant lay down turrets fast enough and my brother is great with them. 😀
Whenever it loads the wiimote shuts down and i cant play . plz fix this