Released Addressbook 5.x-3.3

The next version of the Drupal Addressbook is released with the following changes:
– HotFix: Do not send birthday email if person is older then 100 years.
– Added module with documentation on this website.

9 thoughts on “Released Addressbook 5.x-3.3”

  1. wplaat, nice module for Drupal 5!

    I am curious if you have any plans on porting your efforts toward Drupal 6?
    I would be very interested in helping you with testing along the way

    Thanks in advance,

    1. Hi Mike, Thanks for the offer to test the next release. The main problem is time. I am very busy with my work and family live. So i have no plans on this moment to port the addressbook to Drupal 6. Sorry for that. Maybe it will change in the future when the website i have to sustain in upgraded to Drupal 6.

      1. Wplaat, I am not sure if you might already be familiar with automated converter project I’ve tried running the addressbook.module through it and while it seems to convert the module to Drupal6, it results in a few php syntax errors. It might be a quick win if some of the syntax errors are easily fixable, it is hard for me to tell unfortunately…
        I am looking to do a few customizations to the original implementation once it’s ported to Drupal6. Would you be interested in me sponsoring your efforts?

        Feel free to contact me directy.

  2. I’ve tried converting 3 main component scripts {, addressbook.install & addressbook.module}. The first couple of files are pretty straight forward so automated script converts it properly. The addrebook.module has a few syntax errors primary has to do around hook_mail and drupal_mail functions.

    Line 311 & 2086 needed to be converted to a new syntax so he is what it says:

    // if ( drupal_mail( “addressbook”, $email, $subject, $body, $from))
    if ( /* TODO Create a hook_mail($key, &$message, $params) function to generate
    if ( the message body when called by drupal_mail. */

    if ( $account = array(); // Set this as needed
    if ( $language = user_preferred_language($account);
    if ( $object = array(); // Replace this as needed
    if ( $context[‘subject’] = $subject;
    if ( $context[‘body’] = $body;
    if ( $params = array(‘account’ => $account, ‘object’ => $object, ‘context’ => $context);
    if ( drupal_mail(‘addressbook’, “addressbook”, $email, $language, $params, $from);

    So, based on the example here, could you suggest how would I adopt the new syntax changes?
    It seems as if that is where the problem exist for Drupal 6 today.


  3. Hi Mike, I have created my own drupal6 environment yesterday. I will tried to make a next drupal 6 compliant release in the near future. 😆

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