WarQuest 7.3 (Game update!)

Today there is a new update of WarQuest online!
This is the next release of WarQuest. This release contain the following changes and bug fixes:

Game Server
– Fixed bug that prevent registering of new players
– Fixed bug that prevent players of level zero to spend skill points on attack or defence
– Make all language code files UTF-8 complaint
– Update all copyright years to right year (2020)
– Removed some weird black bars in the announcement images
– Removed obsolete store links on the login page
– Add new Google Play Store download link
– Fixed some small layout issues
– Add theme Modern (Tablet / Desktop)
– Fixed the announcements when using an ad blocker
– Fixed gravatar http image loading bug on Android
– Update all http links to https and fixed all old domain names
– Added simple JSON REST API that the renewed WarQuest Android App uses
– Add bplaat (b.b.b.) to the developers (because he made this update)


Click here to enter directly the game!

PlaatService installation manual

step 1: Setup raspberry pi node

Set hostname
step 2: sudo vi /etc/hostname

Set hostname, domainname
step 3: sudo vi /etc/hosts

Set fix ip address and gateway ip address
step 4: sudo vi /etc/dhcpcd.conf

Install java
step 5: sudo apt-get install galternatives openjdk-8-jdk

Install mysql
step 6: sudo apt-get install mariadb-server

Create database
step 7: sudo mysql -u root
CREATE DATABASE plaatservice;
CREATE USER ‘plaatservice’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘plaatservice’;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON plaatservice.* TO ‘plaatservice’@’localhost’;

Deploy service
step 8: cp plaatservice.jar /home/pi

Start Service
step 9: sudo nohup java -jar plaatservice.jar

PlaatProtect 0.5

This is the next release of PlaatProtect. The release contain the following changes and bug fixes:
– Added zigbee sensor inventory detection
– Added zigbee motion sensor support
– Added zigbee battery view
– Added daily database backup
– Improve table look-and-feel
– Improve email alarm notification
– Improve hue bulb alarm notification

Click here to download the latest version.

PlaatProtect 0.4

This is the next release of PlaatProtect. The release contain the following changes and bug fixes:
– Added system name setting
– Login username can now also be defined
– Sensors views can now be enabled/disable in settings
– Improve all views. Now all sensors data is showed in one chart
– Improve main menu
– Improve cron job
– Added zigbee lightbulb inventory detection
– Improve database table structure

Click here to download the latest version.