Release ChurchAdmin 6.x-0.8

PlaatSoft release today ChurchAdmin 6.x-0.8

14-05-2010 (Week 20) Version 0.8
– Added BlockId to all address entries.
– Show only addresses in the block where the visitor is active.
– Added support for lightbox2 drupal module. Nice photo popup effect!
– Improve module directory structure.
– Improve breadcrumb menu.
– Improve code syntax and source documentation.
– Improve form input validation.
– Make all SQL queries safe for SQL insertion.
– Added birthday email notification (cron job).
– Added birthday summary block page.
– Added picture remove.
– Bugfixes: Solve some minor issues after first deployment on my demo drupal6 site.
– Build for Drupal 6.x

Note: The release is also released on the site